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“Thoughtful, devastating, and surprisingly hopeful.”

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“This remarkably honest and sometimes humorous memoir shows how one family ended the cycle of abuse.”


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The book is the best investigation of the nature of truth that I’ve read since The Lifespan of a Fact. What did you hope to reveal about truth and subjectivity?

Wow, that’s high praise, because I think John D’Agata is maybe the best thing to happen to American nonfiction since, I don’t know, Hunter S. Thompson? And while I love D’Agata’s essay “What Happens Here”—I remember reading it in The Believer when it first ran—and how the book you mention was born out of that essay, I must admit I did not think of it while writing mine. When it comes to truth, I was thinking more of Joan Didion’s Slouching Towards Bethlehem...

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Jay Baron Nicorvo joins Let’s Talk Memoir for a conversation about his mother’s violent rape and how that event coincided with his sexual abuse at the hands of his babysitter, the pervasiveness of sexual abuse for boys and men, how crucial scenes are in memoir and also how difficult to render, exposition to give the reader and ourselves breaks from difficult material, being a multi-genre writer, on not becoming an art monster, why it’s hard to read the publishing market, leaving an agent, outlasting crushing rejection and so many no’s, exploring and thinking deeply about our obsessions, traumatic memories and the way memoir affects them, how lies work, the experience vs. writing the experience, the impact of desertion on children and his new memoir Best Copy Available...

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Let’s start with one of the toughest and bravest books I’ve read in a long time, from a writer whose courage and talents are a gift for us all. I read Best Copy Available earlier this year in galley and have been waiting for it to be released so that I could recommend it to everyone, and here it is. This is a tough tough book but the light that it yields is without measure....

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The Writer’s Chronicle is the bimonthly publication of the Association of Writers & Writing Programs. Since 1967, the magazine has been a valuable resource for writers at all stages of their careers. Each issue features essays, articles, news, and conversations about writing and publishing. The Writer’s Chronicle is for writers, readers, and anyone who loves books...

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Music runs throughout my debut memoir, Best Copy Available, and most of it’s from the mid-’80s. Clarence Clemons, tenor saxophonist of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band, even plays a small part, and Clarence comes on stage on the very first page. A couple of hundred pages later, the final words of the memoir are a song title, though it’s no song you’ll find on any playlist....

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Matt Crawford speaks with author Jay Baron Nicorvo about his true crime memoir. Best Copy Available is a read that forces the reader to action. Nicorvo's writing has the tempo of a chainsaw and you feel rawness and hurt in this book as if you were there. 1 in 6 men have suffered sexual abuse and many never talk about it. Not only does this book highlight what the author went through but it opens a door for those reading it. I implore everyone to give this a read and have a conversation about it...

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What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received?


I was in a workshop taught by Dennis Lehane when I received word I’d gotten into a PhD program. I asked Dennis what I should do. He knew a couple writers who went through the program. It was known to be theory-heavy, and those friends weren’t writing much anymore. So, he advised me against it, and never had earning an advanced degree sounded like such a dumb idea. Dennis being Dennis, he told it to me bluntly, if lovingly. What I got was a taste of the tough Dorchester love. “Jay,” he said, “if you go get a PhD in fiction writing, you are a fucking idiot.” 

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“Do not shy away from this memoir. It’s a hard read but it’s so worth it. Nicorvo is masterful in his ability to share the trauma of his childhood. Part memoir, part true crime, completely unforgettable!”

Julie Slavinsky, Warwick’s, La Jolla, CA

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"Throughout the book, Nicorvo offers multiple takes on the title’s meaning: It is, most literally, what is stamped on the copy he receives of the crime report of his mother’s rape. But it is also a way to talk about the nature of memoir-writing, how one has no choice but to accept that 'a story, any story, even a true story, can only ever be a copy.' And it’s a gesture toward hope, signaling, as Nicorvo writes, 'my want to be a better copy of myself, available, even if I can never be the best.'....

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"As he movingly muses — sometimes compulsively, through stream-of-conscious-style writing — about his past and the shifting nature of memory, Nicorvo manages to find sanity and grace in a loving family of his own making. A frank, dark, disturbing, deeply emotional roller-coaster ride.....

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Jay's true-crime memoir, Best Copy Available, was selected by judge Geoff Dyer as the winner of the 2023 Sue William Silverman Prize for Creative Nonfiction to be published in September of '24 by the U of Georgia Press. About the memoir, Dyer writes: “The (true) story unfolding in Best Copy Available is almost unrelentingly bleak but that relentlessness also makes it difficult to put down. The voice is jagged, dangerous, compelling and, above all, appropriate”....

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Cornell College will kick off its first graduate degree program in nearly 100 years during the summer of 2020. Since 1936 the college has focused solely on undergraduate programming, but soon the college will expand its offerings with a low-residency master’s in fine arts (M.F.A.) in creative writing program. Guest artists joining Cornell for the first year of the program include Thisbe Nissen (“Our Lady of the Prairie”) and Jay Baron Nicorvo (“The Standard Grand”)....

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Like most writers, I consider myself reasonably self-aware. I do believe the unexamined life is worth living, but it’s not a life I’d care to live, at least not as an adult. Yet I’d managed to work on a novel nearly every day for five years, and it never occurred to me that the emotional hardships, the traumas, I was running my characters through were so plainly, and painfully, my own. About a month before a publisher acquired my first novel, The Standard Grand — a novel that concerns a large cast of characters, civilians and veterans, fighting through trauma and its aftermath — I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)....

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Our American mass shootings are misunderstood as a mental-health concern, and the toxic masculinity that compels many shooters isn’t anything so simple as longstanding socialized behavior rendered recently abhorrent. Male fragility is a biological fact, encoded in our cells. This certainty has yet to work its way into our popular consciousness, but the body of evidence is now irrefutable. Each lone gunman — engaging, by the week, in blatant acts of domestic terrorism, eroding the safety of our schools, dance clubs, and churches — shows us the same damn thing....

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"Thisbe Nissen and Jay Baron Nicorvo live in a two-novel household. The two novelists, who live on a farm outside Battle Creek, Michigan, have had plenty to celebrate in the last year. Last spring, Nicorvo released his first novel, The Standard Grand. This month, Nissen released her third novel, Our Lady of the Prairie. And, in a bit of marital and literary serendipity, both novels are exactly 358 pages long...."

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Founded in October 2000 and currently published 10 times annually, The Brooklyn Rail provides an independent forum for arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and far beyond. Our journal, in addition to featuring local reporting; criticism of music, dance, film, and theater; and original fiction and poetry, covers contemporary visual art in particular depth....

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JAY: "I’m not someone who believes all art is political, all politics is artistry. Music can be apolitical, I think. But writing, as an art form, has to be political. There’s no way around it; it’s guilt by association. They both traffic in the same medium: words. Novels and laws require nouns and verbs. The US Constitution isn’t a piano concerto or saxophone solo...."

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The veterans of the Standard had been back from their wars for some time, trying to figure out how to live lives in the face of newfound civilian freedoms. No one barking orders but their girlfriends, wives, and mothers. Fuck them. The vets could do anything they wanted anytime — they were Americans in America — though what they wanted wasn’t what they needed....

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The CLMP Firecracker Awards for independently published and self-published literature seek to celebrate and promote great literary works from independent literary publishers and self-published authors. The Firecracker Awards spotlight books and literary magazines that make a sparkling contribution to our literary culture, and publishers and self-publishers striving to introduce important voices to readers far and wide....

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Join author John King for eclectic interviews with writers from a variety of genres, including fiction writing, poetry, memoirs, and journalism. From literature to genre writing to the movies, all writing is up for discussion. In particular, The Drunken Odyssey features discussion of all aspects of the writing process — not just the published manuscript, pristinely presented to the entire literate world, but also the scrawled notes and tortured drafts that lead writers there. In long-form interviews, writers discuss their process and the way that writing has influenced their lives...

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“REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS?” candidate Trump asked the crowd at a July 2016 rally. “A deserter, what happened?” Trump pantomimed aiming a rifle and pulled the invisible trigger, answering his own rhetorical question with a deadpan “Bang.” He was riffing on the case of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who walked away from his battalion in 2009 and was captured by the Afghan Taliban....

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I’m fascinated by literary couples. Part of the compulsion is tabloid — I was crushed when Paul Lisicky and Mark Doty split; no book made me sob harder than The Best Day the Worst Day, Donald Hall’s memoir of the life he shared with Jane Kenyon before her death — but some of my interest is logistical....

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In my mid-thirties, I started jogging and, shortly thereafter, I began a new novel. My wife, Thisbe, and I had recently bought our first house in the Catskills, some three miles from Woodstock. I’d finished but failed to publish three earlier novels. I always hated jogging. I found the slog dull. Nevertheless, the new novel centered, at first, around a runner. A middle-aged ultra marathoner inspired by Diane Van Deren....

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JAY: "One battle that I had to fight is the tampon scene — the burying of it and Milton, the owner of the Standard, wanting to use it as bait for a snare. I had to fight to keep that in my novel with my agent and my editor. They both wanted to lose it, and I refused. I joked that I should retitle the novel The Tampon Grand. If it was just a matter of me wanting to gross readers out, I would’ve cut it, but I came to see it as a kind of stand-in for the history of patriarchy and what most patriarchies have done to female self-conception and what a lot of women think about their bodies..."

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Publishing a novel isn’t just a matter of murdering your darlings. Killing darlings is easy by comparison... You’ve got to be willing to firebomb Dresden. To fly the plane. Identify the target. And ride a bomb giddyupping on down to the goddamn ground. Lay utter waste to years, even decades, of building sentences and characters and settings, bringing it all lovingly to life, only to be the one to give the awful order and, in the aftermath, dance madly round your own intimate devastation. On top of the ashes of first times — and first novels, plural — you may then, if you’re lucky, make something that, in the full maturity of repeated but ever greater failures, comes to feel like second nature....

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i think this might've been the kellogg f

JAY: "The America I know and love best is a righteous muddle. Like most Americans, I’m a mutt, and English is a mongrel tongue. That’s partly what makes it so hearty. Diversity — linguistic, cultural, genetic — engenders survival on our planet. Our staying power is dependent on this, whether we acknowledge it or not. The hard part is maintaining some union in the face of all this difference...."

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"This is a novel without missteps... Also of note is a bravura passage featuring Sammy Davis Jr., a flashback scene central to the story that is dazzling in its execution. It could stand on its own as a short story. As part of the larger narrative, it serves as the hub of Nicorvo’s investigation into how the past can define our present for good or ill. The Standard Grand is an outstanding novel — funny, heartbreaking and important. Assigning importance to a novel is tricky business, but this story asks us to imagine the lives of some of the most vulnerable among us, the women and men who fight for us and then return home where it often seems no one will fight for them...."

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"Nicorvo admits that his debut novel, The Standard Grand (St. Martin’s Press, 2017), is not an easy read. The characters are messy and complex. But that’s the reality of an honest war story and the people who inhabit it. And people have noticed...."

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Slews of writers out there listen to music while they write. For me, dead silence isn't a necessity but pretty damn near. Instrumentals, maybe. Anything with lyrics? Forget it. Singing, talking, or — worst of all — the mewling of our twenty-year-old cat, Fernie, drive me out of my mind, literally, while I'm writing or actively waiting for a word or two to arrive unannounced...

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"It’s rare when an author is able to take characters that are not exactly admirable, and makes them beautifully memorable, especially when the author does not shy away from that which makes them, well, objectionable. It’s also rare to find an author who can write with beautifully fluid prose that nevertheless is not cloying nor pretentious in describing those characters. And without moralizing, to boot..."

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In 1999, I was a senior at Eckerd College, and in Winter Term I took a World Lit class, with maybe 16 other students, taught by Dr. Carolyn Johnston and Dr. Elie Wiesel. We met every day, four days a week, for three weeks. Can you imagine? There aren’t many places in the world where young people receive the privilege — though it should be treated like the most necessary obligation — of exchanging ideas and intimacies with emissaries arisen out of the terrible, beautiful annals of human history....

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JAY: "I don’t know what’s wrong with me. In life and love, I like to tuck in, stay settled. But in my writing, I’m a nomad. I seem to want the thing I don’t have, whatever comes hardest, and then — after interminable effort, after an avalanche rejection — maybe I get it, and maybe because the getting was so fraught, I don’t care to go through it again? But I don’t think that’s it. I think I need the struggle. I must be a masochist. You can't count on success; the struggle you can be damn sure of...."

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JAY: "The Trump presidency has given Moby-Dick new resonance. The easy analogy is that Trump is Captain Ahab at the helm of the American ship of state… But by my lights, Trump isn’t Ahab. Trump’s the whale, or Moby-Dick. Trump’s the great white hope — thar he blows — and Ahab is the white male voter. Vindictive. Destructive. Determined. To hell with the leaky boat that got us here and all its crew. If we’re not at the wheel, we’ll scuttle the whole damn thing. Trump will either make America great again, or he’ll bring the whole thing down, and either way, white male voters win. Cause they’ve got all the guns. Or so the sad, shallow thinking goes...."

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look at that face! for _navelly, 2017

JAY: "He’s a douchebag. (Can I say that in a wholesome, albeit gothic, Midwestern journal? Can you see I don’t fully belong to the Midwest?) Our menstruphobe president is a douchebag — it’s worth repeating — who gives douchebags a bad name, and the one thing I hold against Midwesterners — the knock on earnestness — is it makes you an easy mark for hucksters and conmen. A number of you — Michiganders and Ohioans especially — got conned last November, and royally...."

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"Jay Baron Nicorvo's novel envelops you in a world most civilians never know, where homeless veterans gather to work on regaining their hearts and minds. The reader is a listener, learning about these characters through each of their voices, accents, idioms, and military jargon - sometimes mean and ugly, sometimes only vaguely understood. Even in their hidden Catskills retreat, there is a realization that they are not beyond the reach of a sinister corporate world waging another, more personal war for oil. The Standard Grand is sculpture, a work of art with every word, every detail, perfect."

— Diane Marie Steggerda, The Bookman, Grand Haven, MI

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